Feb 17, 2011

The view from here

Sometimes I see things that were, or are yet to be.
Sometimes the vision is clear, like watching a TV screen.
Other times I see without actually seeing, The best way I can describe it is that I just 'know' something. Kind of like seeing through feeling. Perhaps what some might refer to as a sixth sense or second sight.
It's not something you talk about in general circles. Especially circles I grew up in!
Perhaps by starting to talk about it here, I might find other people who experience the same thing, or if they haven't had first-hand experience of it, are willing to accept the mysteries of it, without calling in the white coats or the black robes.
We shall see...

Feb 16, 2011

psychic or prophet

In a recent conversation my father said something that rocked me to the core. He said they had not bought a certain property because of my reaction to it. My mother laughed and said it was pretty cool having a psychic in the family. My father had swiftly and sternly responded, "We don't have psychics in our family! We have prophets."

* * *
When they had taken me to see the property, a couple of years ago,  I saw flashes of distressing imagery. I whirled around and told them some very bad things had happened on this property. That was all I could articulate at the time. My learned behaviour was to downplay anything I saw or felt, if I even mentioned it to anyone at all. This time it was so strong, I blurted it out before I had time to restrain myself. At the time they made a joke about how I looked as white as a ghost, or like I'd seen a ghost. I couldn't get off the property fast enough. And no further discussion was had.

* * *
Cut back to the present. My father had just said I was a prophet. His words ripped through me like a lightening bolt. It was the first time he had acknowledged I was tuned into things unseen by others.

So why the determination on his part that I was prophet, not psychic?
He is a pastor.  I grew up in a church environment where the word prophet was acceptable. A goodie. The word psychic was not acceptable. A baddie.

Funnily enough, the denomination I grew up in heralds a female prophet as a major part of their history. Yet my experience of being female and displaying prophetic/psychic abilities in this church, was one of being either ignored or vilified. I have struggled with this my whole life. A square peg trying to fit in a round hole. Attempting to be 'normal' and fit in.

Carl Jung expressed what my reality was. As a child I felt myself to be alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know.

So it comes as a shock in middle-age to hear my father actually acknowledge what has always been true of me. That I see in the spiritual realm. 

I am freshly grieving the many losses of my life which resulted from this lack of acknowledgement, explaining, understanding or acceptance. When ones talent or abilities remain unseen or un-acknowledged by others, one ends up feeling invisible.
